It can be a tough choice to choose to file for disability in the state of Florida. You may have worked hard your entire life, and acknowledging that you are in need of Social Security Disability (SSDI) can be extremely difficult. However, there’s no need to feel bad about this decision. In fact, about a quarter of all working adults in America will unfortunately be forced to make this decision prior to retiring. Living life isn’t always a safe, accident-free experience and many people develop chronic and serious health conditions through no fault of their own.

The US Social Security system was instituted in the 1930s in order to address health challenges of the public. Throughout the decades, additional benefits and services have been added to the program in order to assist those who are in need in attaining a reasonable quality of life without putting undue financial burdens on them or their families. If you have recently been disabled in the state of Florida, then there are certain things that you should be informed about in order to know if you qualify for disability in Florida, as well as about how to apply for benefits if you do quality. While the Social Security Administration (SSA) in 2018 received more than 20 million applications, but only 35 percent of them were awarded benefits. Knowing how these applications are evaluated and how the process functions is key to having your claim approved. Here are some things to keep in mind before you apply for disability in Florida:

When you are filing for disability in Florida, you may need assistance. Call Olsen Law Firm today for an appointment regarding any legal assistance when filing for disability.

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